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Our catalogs are currently Japanese/English bilingual. We are happy to answer any questions or prepare specifications for any products of interest, so don't hesitate to contact us
Our catalogs are currently Japanese/English bilingual. We are happy to answer any questions or prepare specifications for any products of interest, so don't hesitate to contact us

RF Coaxial Connectors Catalog
We carry various microwave parts, RF parts, cables, and connectors. We continue to develop and achieve higher frequencies with better designs to respond to the evolving market demands..
Custom Coaxial Connetors
Top-quality custom coaxial connectors in small lots and with short delivery times.
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Cable Assemblies
Orders for in-house cable assembly processing areavailable from single units.
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Buy Now
You can purchase TYCLON coaxial connectors and processed coaxial cable products with various credit cards.
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